๐Ÿ’ดProtocol Owned Liquidity

When you make a trade on the SolidLizard DEX, you will pay a between 0.02% (stable pairs) and 0.4% fee (volatile pairs).

50% of the fees are returned to the veSLIZ holders every week. while the other 50% goes to the treasury. Most of the fees accumulated by the treasury will be used to buy back SLIZ tokens and build a deep liquidity on the SLIZ-ETH pool over time. SolidLizard is one of the is the first exchanges to introduce POL to its system. By using a significant portion of the fees to buy back SLIZ and create liquidity pools, the platform can maintain deflationary pressure on SLIZ, leading to an increase in its price over time. Additionally, it will ensures that there will always be enough liquidity for SLIZ, even during bear markets.

Last updated